Total Home Excavation and Grading is a family-owned and operated business. We have been providing the highest quality land management services since 2020.


Total Home Excavation and Grading is a premier excavation company that strives to bring you the most honest, trustworthy, and professional service in Johnson County, Tennessee and surrounding areas.

If you have been searching for excavation contractors to find the right company to provide gravel driveway grading or excavation in Johnson City or any other township in Northeast Tennesse, contact us to get a quote.

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Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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We're here to handle your excavating and grading needs, provide you with expert service that you can expect from an experienced excavation contractor in Johnson County, Tennessee, and ensure that what you get stands out from the rest.

Completed Projects

We have what it takes to get your project done right!

Driveway Grading

Driveway grading is the process of ensuring a level base in the construction of your driveway. It is also important for water drainage. The sub-grade has to be stable and uniform. The resting soil has to have the right composition and level of compaction. A sub-grade that offers sufficient support and even thickness can prevent settlement and structural damage. Water has to drain and shed correctly – otherwise you’ll end up with flooding or pooling or corrosion (and the list goes on). Water needs to flow out and away from your garages, sheds and building foundations.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Road and driveway installation

Installation of asphalt pavement is an essential component of preserving a stable and smooth driving surface. It is a procedure that needs to be carefully planned, prepared, and carried out. Setting up the site is the first stage in constructing asphalt pavement. This entails leveling the ground, clearing away any debris, and digging the current surface. The subgrade must then be ready. To create a solid foundation for the asphalt, this requires compacting the soil and adding a layer of gravel and stone. The asphalt itself can be laid once the subgrade has been prepared. In this process, asphalt is heated in a storage tank before being poured into the required region. After the asphalt has been put, it needs to be roller compacted. This helps to ensure that the asphalt stays in place and provides a smooth driving surface. Finally, the asphalt must be given time to cure and harden. This can take several weeks, depending on the temperature and other environmental factors.

Asphalt pavement installation is an important part of maintaining a safe and smooth driving surface. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. With the right materials and techniques, asphalt pavement can provide a long-lasting and durable driving surface.

Gravel delivery and spreading

Gravel is a valuable resource that is used in many different applications, from construction to landscaping projects. Its use is becoming increasingly popular as it is an affordable, sustainable, and reliable option for spreading. Gravel can be delivered in various ways depending on the scope of the project, ranging from being loaded onto a truck for on-site delivery.

Homesite clearing and parking pads

Homesite clearing and parking pad construction is an important part of any landscaping project. It involves the removal of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation, as well as the leveling and grading of the land, in order to make way for a home or building. Proper clearing and grading is essential for a safe and level parking pad, as well as a stable foundation for the structure.

Clearing involves the removal of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation, as well as the removal of debris, rocks, and other obstructions. This is done in order to create a flat, level area for the parking pad or building. Grading is the process of leveling and shaping the land to create a smooth, even surface. This can involve the removal of soil, rocks, and other materials, as well as the addition of fill dirt and other materials to create the desired slope.

Clearing and grading are essential for the safety and stability of a parking pad or building. A clear, level area is necessary for a safe parking experience, while a properly graded surface will provide a stable foundation for the structure. Clearing and grading also helps to prevent soil erosion and other environmental issues, ensuring that the land is safe and healthy.

Clearing and grading are important steps in any landscaping project and should be done with care and attention to detail. A professional landscaper can ensure that the job is done properly, safely, and with an eye towards preserving the environment.

Erosion Control

Erosion control is the process of preventing soil and sediment from being washed away by wind, water or ice. It can involve both natural and man-made strategies, such as planting vegetation to reduce runoff and using devices like silt fences and erosion control blankets to redirect flow and trap sediment. Erosion control measures are necessary in areas where soil and vegetation are vulnerable to wind or water erosion, including construction sites, roads, and agricultural fields.

General Excavation Work

General excavation work is the process of digging out soil, rocks, and other materials from a site for various purposes. It is typically done by hand or with the help of machines, such as excavators, bulldozers, and backhoes. The excavated materials are then used for various construction and engineering projects.

The process of general excavation begins with planning. The excavation team must consider the soil type, rock content, water table, and other factors before they begin excavating. Once the excavation area is ready, the team will use their tools to remove the soil, rocks, and other materials. The excavated materials are then sorted and classified according to their type and the area is then backfilled with the same material or another type that is suitable.

General excavation is an important part of many construction and engineering projects. It is a complex process that requires careful planning, skilled workers, and the right equipment. With the right techniques, general excavation can be completed safely and efficiently.

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